From Seed to Plate: School Gardens Take Root with Tower Farms

Currently, over 10,000 educational aeroponic farms are flourishing in American schools. It’s never been easier for teachers — from pre-K to post-grad — to cultivate plants in class.

Whether you start small or go big, Tower Farms technology can help you:

  • Engage your class with a hands-on, project-based learning experience that can improve school attendance and student test performance

  • Grow where the learning happens, whether that’s in a classroom, greenhouse, laboratory, or somewhere else

  • Eliminate common growing pains — our aeroponic farming systems lower the likelihood of bugs and don't use soil (so, no messy students!)

  • Elevate diets as well as minds as students learn about the benefits of healthy eating

  • Farm for the whole school year, not just during warmer months, with an indoor operation

Students will be able to grow their very own fresh fruits and veggies right in the classroom.  Gardening in the school setting provides students access to healthy fresh foods in otherwise inaccessible neighborhoods. In certain communities where food deserts are prevalent, these community gardens provide a nutritional avenue for students and their families. Students learn how to grow fresh fruits and vegetables, some of which are new to their palate, while teachers provide information about healthy eating. Children who benefit from having a school garden also have a better relationship with food thanks to the increase in fruits and vegetables.